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Holiday Property Ads

Holiday Property Ads Holiday Property Ads

The purpose of this portal is to provide a landlord with the opportunity to find an interested tenant.

The arrangement of the advertisements on Internet resources related to the lease of real estate is one of the important areas of modern marketing. Such lease advertisements of your property on promotes the successful search for the tenant. At your advertisements will be displayed to the English-speaking audience all over the world.

With the help of the Internet network-guide Max-TD you receive the opportunity to lease your property. You are invited to advertise your property at an affordable price. Internet Network Max-TD supports the landlord in the area of marketing. MAX-TD organizes only the contacts between potential tenants and landlords, all agreements are made directly between the tenant and the landlord without the participation of Max-TD.

The advertisements on can be closed on the expiry of 12 months. You have full control over the published data about your property and have the opportunity to represent it on the market the best way. There are no any additional costs applied for a successful contact between the tenants and landlords. Affordable advertisement packages are offered for those, who post up to 25 real estate objects. If you would like to offer more than 25 properties for lease, please contact to discuss special conditions.

The landlords, as partners of Max-TD and clients of are offered the opportunity to display the advertisements of their property on different portals of Max-TD Internet network without additional cost. Each advertisement automatically appears on all relevant portals of Max-TD online network via a centralized system of Max-TD administration. The placement of the advertisements on one of the portals of Max-TD Internet-network provides the placement of these advertisements on all regional or thematically relevant portals of our network.

You can test the way your advertisement will be displayed in the database of landlords for free before you create a paid, public advertisement. Simply register here.

Benefits at a Glance

Benefits at a Glance

Everyone who is interested in leasing their property should advertise his/her accommodation where prospective tenants would look for it. The...
Landlord Ads Prices

Landlord Ads Prices

Max-TD offers several advertisement packages. You can easily choose the most acceptable option for yourself. All prices are presented for a...

For Hotel Owners

The Booking Engines for our Holiday Home section and our Hotel Section are splitted. At the moment we have no possibility to enter single...
Guide to Network

Guide to Network

If you place your advertisement on one of the domains of the Max-TD Network Guide, it will appear in other domains of our network, in case it...
Terms and Conditions

Landlord Ads Terms and Conditions

All lease advertisements are controlled by a centralized management system of Max TD. To have your advertisement on, it...


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